I haven’t been downloading or leeching for a very long time now. Besides having a terrible and slow internet connection, I haven’t been interested in music, may it be buying or simply leeching.
Before, I used Kazaa and limewire to look for music and videos. With an increasing amount of software being created everyday, it’s no surprise that music torrents have been around for the past few years. Torrents are becoming popular because of ease of use and more reliable system if you know how to use it.
I have used torrents to download PDF’s, ebook, tutorials, some softwares that are full of spywares and malwares, and some other stuff that I no longer use. However, music does not pique my interest anymore, for unknown reason.
Maybe because YouTube has offered more flexibility and availability. You can basically find anything there, without having to download files that will eventually clog your hard drive.
That said, let me dedicate a song from one of my favorite bands: The Beatles. Don’t tell me you don’t know this, as this music is quite popular.