Monday, April 27, 2009

How Many Blogs Do You Have?

This is an important question if you are trying to make money online: How many blogs do you have? More importantly: Do you make money off of them?

If you have several blogs, that's great news. You'll get lots of opportunity to make money online. But if your the words on your sites do not translate into dollars, you're just wasting your time.

You see, if you build a blog because writing is your hobby, that's fine. But if your intention is to make money, then be aggressive and build site the correct way, especially if you want to make money off of google adsense.

Ask yourself: how many hours have I spent on one blog alone? For how long have I been doing this? Did it pay off?

If you don't even break-even, it's time to re-check and re-evaluate your techniques. Else, you'll to continue to waste time for nothing.

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